Do you remember laying in the grass or riding in the car and looking up to the sky and imagining the clouds were different shapes? Some would look like a dinosaur, some would look like a racecar. This is kind of a twist on that childhood game!
Pretty soon, President Obama will make his annual "Back-to-School" speech just as he has for the past two years. We are going to create a Wordle, or word cloud, to compare these three speeches. After President Obama's speech next week, your assignment will be to find a transcript of the speech and make a Wordle from it. Then, do the same thing for the previous speeches. When you are finished, you should have three Wordles.
The purpose of this is to determine what the main point is in each speech (Wordle does this by making words larger the more they are repeated) and then compare it with speeches in the past.
Of course you can print your Wordles to turn in or you can copy and paste the URL the website will provide you into an email to me.
Extra Credit Opportunity: Find a speech from a past President that was intended for students. Create a wordle of that speech as well.
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